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Will there be an android version?

(1 edit) (+1)

You can use Joiplay just get the renpy plugin


Will there be impreg?

To be a true menace?


Long term goal, yes! Anytime soon? Probably not!


This is a nice game. The art is amazingly well done. I love the "pixel" like art style and I'm always looking for games that have it. The 2D animation is great too. I love that the women are slightly chubby as well. I'm honestly tired of all the Itch games that have perfectly toned and "the ideal body." I love that the women in this game look like women.

I'll definitely be keeping an eye on this game. On another note, you can cheat money with the coin game by choosing either heads or tails and pressing back if you lose. I did so to ensure I could have the money to pay Alex for her services, but nothing happens after talking to Hailey. Speaking of Hailey, you end up getting the V.I.P. show for free, since the scene doesn't actually take money from you.

I'm stuck on trying to get the secret scenes. I found the one in the stripper club, but that was accidental.

Either way, this is a fun game. It's been a while since I've felt lust for 2D women.


Thanks for playing!

The art is made by @RisqueDraws on Twitter! Go check him out if you want to see more art like this :)

I'm well aware of the bugs you've mentioned. V0.1.1 will be released soon for Patrons first and the public later.


I liked the game, Diane is amazing!!!
But i got one problem, how do i trigger alex scenes? i talked to Hailey but nothing happens


Yeah, so many people had the same problem. My bad :/

Will be fixed for the next update! Follow me on twitter or Patreon to stay updated.

(1 edit) (+2)

you can get as much money as you wat if you use the coin flip  in the casino 

by puting your max money and they press head or tail and if you loose press back and press the other one 

it be cool if you put this in dev note 


Thanks! I'll fix it for next update :)


yo great so far. will say, some of the dialogue about being a virgin while talking to sara doesn't make sense if you've already had sex with diane. only gripe at the minute.


Thank you! Good point!


I've played this game for a while and I really like it but I was wondering if the 2 other secret scenes exist because I've only found the one in the strip club and can't seem to find the others anywhere. I'm also missing Felix's one and the other 2 stripper ones.


All three secret scenes exist! Although one of them is unfair (which is my fault, I plan to make it more obvious in the next update). 

Felix's can be found by visiting him at the shop multiple times. Currently, there's nothing to buy at the shop, so I understand why it's hard to find (Once more content is added to the shop, I'm sure a lot of players will get that scene). 

 The two missing strippers are both Alex. One is Alex with a dick, the other a pussy (Both are completely optional. You don't need to fuck Alex's pussy to see Alex with a dick.)

Thank you for playing! It means a lot.


Thanks for the help! Another thing if it's not any trouble. Could you tell me where the other 2 secrets are? It's fine if you don't I'd just like to see them


They're secret for a reason :)


While this game is young (and very promising mind you) I was wondering if I could ask if there will ever be a female protagonist? There is absolutely an audience for a lesbian playthrough. This artstyle is phenominal and the tone of the game seems light hearted with so much identity. When I see a game with a lot of heart put into it I have to say something to wish the creator luck even if it never has content for me.

Good luck with your game


Thank you for the words of encouragement!

In terms of a female protagonist, it's not on my radar. The most I've planned out is playing as Sara (the redhead) for one or two quests. However, there will be more lesbian scenes in the future (there's currently only one).

Even if this isn't your cup of tea, I still appreciate the kind words :)


Does the same go for a futa protagonist?



(1 edit) (+7)

This is game that I think is worth keeping my eyes on. I always appreciate games that do hand-done 2D art, especially in a space/genre that is saturated with people using ai and asking you to pay for it. I'm interested to see where this game is leading to. I am left with 2 questions tho:

1. Is the coin-flip game in the casino a WIP? It doesn't have a WIP warning and I don't understand how it is meant to work.

2. How do the secret images work? I have found 1 image but no real clue how I found it in the first place. Would be helpful to know for future secret hunting how the secrets work. 

Edit: Ok nevermind I see how the secrets work now but also I noticed a bug. The 200$ VIP Room doesn't take from my money so funnily enough I am fucking Hailey for free. That and also idk if the Alex scene works, I talked to Hailey in the ways I can both evening and night and have 300$ but no scene for Alex has happened despite those supposedly being the requirements. 


I appreciate the kind words and feedback! 

Next update I'll make sure to fix the VIP room so Alex can be fucked properly.  And I'll do a better job of making things clearer in the game to hopefully answer your questions. Thanks a ton.